Take Part in the Real American West
We May Not Polish Your Boots, But We’ll Give You All the Saddle Time You Want
The Klondike Ranch is a working cattle ranch, nestled in the foothills of the Bighorn Mountains. We invite you to take part in our way of life, and experience the thrill of a real Western ranch in the beautiful atmosphere of the Old West.
90% of our work is done a’ horseback, and, among other activities, you get to help with the ‘saddling up’ along with all the daily tasks associated with a working ranch, here at Klondike.
- Checking Cattle
- Ranch Work
- Overnight Camp Out
- Fishing & Hiking
- Photography
- Historical Tours
- Rodeos
- And So Much More…
Activities Outside the Ranch
The ranch is about 25 minutes from Buffalo. In town there is a large free swimming pool, an excellent golf course, weekly rodeos, and one of the most interesting historic museums in the country. Learn More below
“You just cannot get a more authentic experience than staying with this wonderful family and working with their ranch hands, cattle and horses. Don’t plan you’re vacation here if you’re looking for spa treatments and pampering; plan it here to step into the lives of the Tass family and to find out what it means to live and work with cattle and horses under the most beautiful Wyoming sky in one of the prettiest places on earth.”
Learn more below
Adventures on Horseback
“The Best Thing for the Inside of Man, Is the Outside of a Horse”
Here at Klondike, we believe that statement to be true. When you arrive, you’ll be assigned your own saddle horse, and will get to enjoy your new friend’s company, the entire time you are here.
All of our horses are well mannered and ready to go at any time. Herd cattle, check fences, or just explore the remote reaches of the ranch, while creating a connection with nature, like you’ve never imagined.

Herd Cattle
Klondike Ranch runs 200 cow/calf pairs and 30 head of replacement heifers on 1000 scenic acres and summer pastures high in the Bighorn Mountains. We are constantly riding on the herd, checking the condition of our grass and the animals. *Note: This activity is available only when seasonal and operational conditions require the need to move cattle. Contact us to learn more.
Become a Ranch Hand
When we’re not in the saddle, we’re “doing chores”: fencing, doctoring livestock, cutting and baling hay, and irrigating pasturelands. You are invited to assist with any of these activities that interest you. At Klondike, we believe anyone can learn to rope, ride, and repair barbed wire fence. Our guests have a blast learning and practicing these skills under the tutelage of our experienced wranglers. If this is something you’re interested in, be prepared to have the time of your life.
“The highlight for me was the ride up into the Bighorn Mountains for the overnight camping trip. The experience of riding into the mountains on century-old cattle trails surrounded by untouched beauty blew me away. I really felt like I had stepped back in time. Make sure to request the overnight camping trip if you go to Klondike. “
Overnight Camp Out at Our Mountain Cow Camp
One of our most favored adventures! Spend 1 to 2 nights camping in the rugged beauty of the Bighorns. We run our cowherd on mountain pasture up in the Bighorn Mountains during the summer months. To ensure their well being (and an amazing experience for you!), we head up the mountain, stay a night or two at our cow camp and check cattle and fences weekly. We will trailer all of our guests who wish to participate, and their horses, about 25 miles to camp. From here, we’ll get you set up in our bunk wagon or in a tent (whichever you prefer) for the overnight stay. “Roughing It” – At cow camp, meals are often cooked over an open fire and coffee is brewed cowboy style. Our “cow camp chef” is an amazing cook and you’ll get to enjoy a culinary experience like you’ve never had. We take measures to ensure that you have a comfortable night’s sleep, warm meals in the cook tent and even have a private outdoor bathroom facility.
Connect with Nature on the Mountain
After our first night, we’ll ride through all of the cattle, check fences and take care of any repair or stewardship that may be necessary. You’ll get to be a part of all of this, with the added bonus of “roughing it” at a real mountain camp, exploring and soaking in the magical atmosphere of the Bighorns.
“If you want to ride horses everyday in beautiful country, then this is the place for you. None of our group had much experience riding horses, but by the end of the week the wranglers had us moving cattle and riding like pros.”
Adventures in Nature

The setting in which the Klondike Ranch is located, offers an amazing opportunity to connect with nature in a number of ways. All of the adventures below are available at your leisure. We’ll give you tips and recommendations on some great places to experience them.
Sky Watching
Klondike country boasts wonderful nighttime skies for guests who enjoy stargazing. Our skies offer a nightly celestial spectacle of stars, constellations, meteors and other objects, including the Milky Way, seldom visible in urban settings.
Klondike Ranch offers excellent fishing for rainbow and German brown trout in scenic Crazy Woman Creek. This lovely water is a real American trout stream. The creek and private ponds offer memorable fishing experiences. Don’t let the size fool you, the smaller fish are sometimes bigger fighters than the large ones! Klondike supplies fishing gear at no added charge.
“The scenery is breathtaking and the space unbelievable. Deer everywhere. Crazy Woman Canyon beautiful! They are so lucky to have been born into such a lifestyle and are happy to share it with you.”
Wildlife Viewing & Photography
Klondike Ranch is home to whitetail and mule deer, antelope, bald eagles, coyotes (and the occasional rattlesnake!). In the Bighorns you may see elk, moose, beaver, porcupine, and a tremendous variety of colorful birds. Gorgeous canyons, creeks and scenic vistas also offer amazing photo op’s, be sure and bring your camera!
We were able to take part in a cattle drive. It lasted a couple days and took us up and over the Big Horn Mountains, where we even got to spend the night! It was awe inspiring. And when we got back to the ranch, the hot tub was exactly what we needed. Yes, it was perfectly clean.
Hot Tub
Ok, so maybe it’s more relaxation than adventure, but still enjoyed outdoors. Our hot tub is located in an outdoor gazabo, surrounded by brilliant scenery. Soak away any hard-earned sore muscles after a long day’s ride, chat with friends or simply unwind to the sound of nature. This is relaxation at it’s best.
Adventures in the Old West
History Tours: Reliving the History of the American Frontier
Johnson County, Wyoming has been called the crucible of America’s frontier history. A number of the pivotal events in the settling of the West took place within a few miles of Klondike Ranch. We offer an in-depth tour of major historical sites in the area. Learn more below
History Tour Itinerary
Our history tour offers an amazing inside look at the Old West. Besides the large amount of history you’ll get to hear about Klondike and it’s role in the settling of the area, we’ll take you to a number of sites as well.
We start our tour at the TA Ranch, the site of the shootout during the Johnson County Cattle Wars, then move on to the Jim Gatchell Museum in Buffalo, Wy. From there we head to the Sheridan County Museum, the Kendrich Mansion, King Ropes & the Don King Museum, all the while Patty tells the stories of these amazing places. More info about some of these sites below.
The TA Ranch
In the late 1880s and early ’90s, the Johnson County Cattle War dominated the local stage. A classic confrontation between large cattlemen and small ranchers, it climaxed at the TA Ranch, just five miles from Klondike Ranch. Here, a band of armed Buffalo citizens, led by Sheriff Red Angus, surrounded 40 gunmen hired by big cattle interests. The outnumbered “Invaders” were rescued and taken into custody by a troop of cavalry from Fort McKinney.
Hole in the Wall Country
See BLM Website Information Here The “Outlaw Cave” (featured in the classic motion picture, “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid”) is a favorite tour site for Klondike Ranch guests. Visiting this hideout of the notorious Hole-in-the-Wall Gang is a spectacular adventure. This tour is not a part of our regular history tour, but is available by special arrangements.
“Richard is so interesting with the stories of the ranch history. Since I’m a western history buff I really enjoyed the day with Patty and the history tour of the Buffalo and Sheridan area.”
Jim Gatchell Memorial Museum
http://www.jimgatchell.com/ The Jim Gatchell Memorial Museum of the West (in Buffalo, 14 miles and 25 minutes north of Klondike Ranch). This remarkable “window on the past” offers a unique portrait of the people and events of America’s frontier era. In 1900, Jim Gatchell opened a little drugstore in Buffalo, just as the period was drawing to a close. His customers included famous scouts, cowboys, lawmen and cattle barons. He was a trusted friend of the region’s Native Americans, many of whom fought at the Battle of the Little Big Horn. The “Old Timers” gave Gatchell thousands of priceless artifacts of the vanished frontier era.
After Gatchell’s death in 1954, his family generously donated the collection to the people of Johnson County. The museum houses one of the richest collections of frontier artifacts in the Rocky Mountain West. Fascinating displays feature items from the Johnson County Cattle War, the Dull Knife Battle, the Battle of the Little Big Horn, and every other significant event in local history.
Fort Phil Kearny
http://www.fortphilkearny.com/ In 1866, the Army constructed and garrisoned Fort Phil Kearny, a few miles north of here. The fort was built on the Bozeman Trail to protect travelers headed to Montana’s gold fields. Two famous battles (the Fetterman Fight and the Wagon Box Fight) are associated with the fort. In 1868, after several violent clashes with Indians, the Army closed the fort. Sioux warriors burned it to the ground before the cavalry was out of sight.
Rodeo is a popular local sport in Klondike country. Professional rodeos in Sheridan, Buffalo, and Kaycee offer exciting competitive action featuring stars on the national rodeo scene. Equally enjoyable and every bit as impressive are local rodeos. Ranch families participate in these events. We provide transportation to the rodeos, and our guests greatly enjoy them.