Ready to Book? Looking for More Info?
Let’s Chat

Book Your Trip Below:

You’re ready to book, now what? We’ll help you through the process.

Fill Out the Form Below: To get started, simply fill out the form below, select Book My Trip and input the dates you’re interested in staying, and, in the message area, input other information you’d like us to know. We’ll get back to you asap to complete the rest of the process.

More of a phone person?
Sometimes we are too. Go ahead and give us a ring on our toll free number to the right, we’ll be happy to get you started.

Rather email us directly? That works too. Click the email address to the right and send a message directly to owner/operator/manager Richard Tass. He’ll be happy to get you started as well.


Looking for an amazing place to spend your summer, develop life long friendships, work on an authentic cattle ranch AND make money all at the same time? Have we got a deal for you.

We are hiring for 2025! 

Currently hiring Domestic Staff and Wrangler Staff. If you’re a self starter, good with people and love the ranch life, we’re interested in talking to you.

Contact Us using the form below or give us a call at 307-684-2390.

General Information & Inquiries:

Looking for a little more information? You’ve come to the right place.

By form: Simply fill out the form below, select General Information and let us know what your questions, concerns or thoughts are. We’ll be glad to help and will get back to you in a timely manner.

By phone or email: You are also welcome to use the toll free number to call or email Richard directly using the information to the bottom right.


Book Your Trip or Contact Us Below

Contact Form & Information

We Look Forward to Hearing from You

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Interested In - Choose One From the Drop Down Below

    Dates You'd Like to Book

    Your Message (required)


    386 Crazy Woman Canyon Road
    Buffalo, WY 82834
    Phone: 307-684-2390
    Toll Free: 800-362-2982
    Email: [email protected]